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Chaoqun You

有超群 (你没看错,就是这个“有”)

I am currently serving as an assistant professor at Fudan University. Before that, I was a Research Fellow at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), where I collaborated with Prof. Tony Q. S. Quek. I obtained my Ph.D. in Communication and Computer Science from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) under the guidance of Prof. Lemin Li. Prior to this, I completed my B.S. in Communication Engineering at UESTC. During my doctoral studies, I also spent two years as a visiting Ph.D. student at the University of Toronto.

At the moment, my focus is on NTN RAN. My research interests cover a wide area of investigating the system design and networking obstacles associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI)-native 5G and beyond (NextG) networks.

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  • (Sep 2024) I am going to serve as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) from Sep, 2024.
  • (Jan 2024) Our paper Age-Based Scheduling for Mobile Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach has been accepted to TMC.
  • (Dec 2023) Our paper Exploiting Storage for Computing: Computation Reuse in Collaborative Edge Computing has been accepted to INFOCOM 2024. Congrats to Dr. He!
  • (Nov 2023) I am going to join Fudan Univ. as an assistant professor in Jan 2024.
  • (Mar 2023) Our tutorial proposal entitled “Machine Learning Over-the-Air: Two Tales of Interference” has been accepted to IEEE/CIC ICCC 2023.
  • (Mar 2023) Our paper Hierarchical Personalized Federated Learning Over Massive Mobile Edge Computing Networks has been accepted to TWC.
  • (Mar 2023) Our paper Automated Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks — Fast Adaptation and Convergence has been accepted to IoTJ.
  • (Mar 2023) We have successfully applied for a workshop in IEEE SECON 2023 with topic "Distributed, Private, and Robust Machine Learning over Networks".
  • Publications


    1. Federated Learning for Future Intelligent Wireless Networks
      Yao Sun, Chaoqun You, Gang Feng, Lei Zhang
      Wiley, 2023

    Journal Papers:

    1. Communication-Efficient Federated Learning by Quantized Variance Reduction for Heterogeneous Wireless Edge Networks
      Shuai Wang, Yanqing Xu, Chaoqun You*, Mingjie Shao, and Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), submitted, 2024

    2. LEO Satellite Networks Assisted Geo-distributed Data Processing
      Zhiyuan Zhao, Zhe Chen, Lin Zheng, Wenjun Zhu, Qiu Kun, Chaoqun You, Yue Gao
      IEEE Wireless Communication Letters (WCL), major revision, 2024

    3. Online Flow Scheduling in Virtualized Time-Sensitive Networks: A Joint Admission Control and VNF Embedding Approach
      Yajing Zhang, Cailian Chen, Mingyan Li, Chaoqun You, Xinping Guan, Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), major revision, 2024

    4. Age-Based Scheduling for Mobile Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
      Xingqiu He, Chaoqun You*, Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024

    5. Hierarchical Personalized Federated Learning Over Massive MEC Networks
      Chaoqun You, Kun Guo, Howard H. Yang, Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2023

    6. Automated Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks — Fast Adaptation and Convergence
      Chaoqun You, Kun Guo, Gang Feng, Peng Yang, Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), 2023

    7. Semi-Synchronous Personalized Federated Learning over Mobile Edge Networks
      Chaoqun You, Daquan Feng, Kun Guo, Howard H. Yang, Chenyuan Feng, Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2022 | paper

    8. Hierarchical Multi-resource Fair Queueing for Packet Processing
      Chaoqun You, Yangming Zhao, Gang Feng, Tony Q. S. Quek, Le Min Li
      IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2022 | paper

    9. Feeling of Presence Maximization: mmWave-Enabled Virtual Reality Meets Deep Reinforcement Learning
      Peng Yang, Tony Q. S. Quek, Jingxuan Chen, Chaoqun You, Xianbin Cao
      IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2022 | paper

    10. Privacy-Preserved Multi-domain Shortest Path Problem under SFC Constraints
      Chaoqun You, Le Min Li
      Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2020

    11. Online Multi-resource Social Welfare Maximization for Non-Preemptive Jobs
      Chaoqun You, Cheng Ren, Le Min Li
      IEEE Access, 2020 | paper

    12. Low Complexity Hierarchical Scheduling for Diverse Datacenter Jobs
      Chaoqun You, Yang Wang, Shizhong Xu, Long Luo, Meng-Hsi Chen, and Le Min Li
      IEEE Communication Letters, 2019 | paper

    Conference Papers:

    1. Transformer-Based Adaptive OFDM MIMO Equalization in Intelligence-Native RAN
      Zihang Song, Yuan Ma, Chaoqun You, Haoxuan Yuan, Jinbo Peng, and Yue Gao
      IEEE/CIC ICCC workshop on Intelligence-native and Cooperation-native RAN for 6G, 2024

    2. Online Scheduling in Virtualized TSN Networks via Joint Admission Control and VNF Embedding
      Yajing Zhang, Cailian Chen, Chaoqun You, Mingyan Li, Xinping Guan, and Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 2024

    3. Channel Estimation Refinement for Tethered Aerial Platform Enabled Multi-User Communication Systems
      Puguang An, Peng Yang, Xianbin Cao, Chaoqun You, Tony Q. S. Quek, and Dapeng Oliver Wu
      IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 2024

    4. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Social Welfare Maximization for Collaborative Edge Computing
      Xingqiu He, Chaoqun You*, Yuhang Shen, Hongxi Zhu, Yueyue Dai, and Yunlong Lu
      IEEE International Workshop on Radio Frequency and Antenna Technologies (iWRF&AT), 2024 | paper | Best Paper Award

    5. SemSAN: Semantic Satellite Access Network Slicing for NextG Non-Terrestrial Networks
      Chaoqun You, Xingqiu He, Yajing Zhang, Kun Guo, Yue Gao, and Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2024 | paper

    6. Exploiting Storage for Computing: Computation Reuse in Collaborative Edge Computing
      Xingqiu He, Chaoqun You*, and Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2024

    7. RIS-Integrated Near-Space Information Network: A Promising Network Paradigm for URLLC Services
      Puguang An, Peng Yang, Xianbin Cao, Tony Q. S. Quek, and Chaoqun You
      IEEE/CIC ICCC workshop on Key Technologies of Low-Latency and High-Security Internet of Things, 2023

    8. Sustainable Service-Oriented RAN Slicing for AI-Native 6G Networks
      Chaoqun You, Xingqiu He, Jingyi Xu, Peng Yang, and Tony Q. S. Quek
      IEEE WiOpt workshop on Machine Learning in Wireless Communications (WMLC) , 2023

    9. Efficient Load Balancing for the VNF Deployment with Placement Constraints
      Chaoqun You, Le Min Li
      IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2019 | paper

    10. Hierarchical Multi-resource Fair Queueing for Network Function Virtualization
      Chaoqun You
      IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2019 | paper | Single Author

    Professional Services

    Journal Editorship:

    1. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2024 - present


    1. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications (ICCC) 2023
      Tutorial on "Machine Learning Over-the-Air: Two Tales of Interference". Co-organized with Prof. Howard. H. Yang (Zhejiang Univ.), Dr. Zihan Chen (SUTD), and Prof. Tony Q. S. Quek (SUTD).

    Conference Organization:

    1. Publication Chair, IEEE ICDCS 2022 workshop on Block6G

    2. Co-Chair, IEEE SECON 2023 workshop on Distributed, Private, and Robust Machine Learning over Networks

    3. Tutorial Chair, IEEE/CIC ICCC 2025

    Technical Program Committee Membership:

    1. TPC member, IEEE ICCT 2023


  • IEEE iWRF&AT Best Paper Award, 2024
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